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DRAFT KB-XXXX How to extract slim logs on Linux environments


In order to assist with troubleshooting issues, Appian support cases may require the collection of slim log files from a specific Appian environment. This article provides instructions on how to extract slim logs on Linux environments. 


Run the following command from the <APPIAN_HOME>/logs/ directory in order to generate the required .tar file. This command will create a set of logs in the /tmp/ directory. These files will be about 200MB in size.

Note: this is a multi-line command.

tarname=$(hostname -s)-slim-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d"); \
find . \( \
-name engine_status.csv \
-o -name "*_summary.csv*" \
-o -name "service_manager*" \
-o -name "zookeeper*" \
-o -name “server.log” \
-o -name "product_metrics*" \) | tar -cvf /tmp/${tarname}.tar --hard-dereference --files-from -; \
find ./data-metrics/ | tar -rvf /tmp/${tarname}.tar --hard-dereference --files-from -; \
find ./service-manager/metrics/jvm | tar -rvf /tmp/${tarname}.tar --hard-dereference --files-from -; \
find ./service-manager/kafka | tar -rvf /tmp/${tarname}.tar --hard-dereference --files-from -; \
gzip -f /tmp/${tarname}.tar

After running the command, zip the logs in the /tmp/ directory and upload it to the support case as requested by Appian Support.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian running 17.3+ using Linux as the operating system.

Last Reviewed: July 2018