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KB-XXXX - /suite page keeps loading indefinitely with HTTP 302 status code observed in the network capture after an upgrade


After the username/password are entered on the login screen, the page keeps reloading indefinitely with no result and HTTP status code 302 - Moved Temporarily seen in the network capture.


Customers may have a custom file used to define redirection to the Appian login page, to support scenarios where a user does not type the entire site URL. For IIS specifically, more details on how to achieve this redirection can be found in step 17 of the Configuring IIS with Appian documentation. This redirect can also be achieved in a similar manner with Apache or another web server.


Copy the custom HTML file to the right location as described in the documentation above. 

As a general note, customers are encouraged to maintain all customizations via versioning tools and are required to merge the customizations during every upgrade as mentioned here. If the steps here do not cover your web server, consult with your web server administrator for further instructions.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: June 2019