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DRAFT KB-XXXX Email polling fails with "PKIX path validation failed" error


Polling the email server fails with "PKIX path validation failed" error observed in the <JBOSS_HOME>\standalone\log\server.log:

ERROR com.appiancorp.ra.emai1p011er.Mai1Activation - An error occurred while
attempting to open the mailbox; no mail will be Fetched. javax.mail.MessagingException: idator.Va1idatorException: PKIX path vaiidation Faiied: Path does not chain with any of the trust anchors; nestedexception is: PKIX path validation failed


The SSL certificate was updated on the email server but this certificate was not updated on the Appian side.


Update the certificate in Appian by importing into the trusted keystore of the JDK. 

Run the following commands to import the certificates into the Java Keystore:

  1. cd <JAVA_HOME>/bin
  2. keytool -import -alias <> -file <CERT_NAME>.crt -keystore "<JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/security/cacerts"

Affected Versions


This article applies to all versions of Appian.


Last Reviewed: September 2018