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DRAFT KB-XXXX Engines fail to start-up after migration with "EngineReplayException" observed in service-manager.log


Engines fail to start up after migration with the following error observed in the <APPIAN_HOME>\logs\service_manager.log:

[KomodoEventBus-60] ERROR com.appian.komodo.engine.status.ReplayStateProvider - Error replaying transactions for analytics00: TransactionReplayFailedEvent{createdInstant=engineId=analytics00, startTransactionId=Optional[0], transactionsReplayedCount=***, cause=com.appian.komodo.engine.EngineReplayException: Replaying request with transaction id *** did not result in an update}, caused by: com.appian.komodo.engine.EngineReplayException: Replaying request with transaction id *** did not result in an update


Engines were improperly shut down before they were migrated.


Shut down Appian as documented in the update guide before migrating the engine kdb files.

Affected Versions

This article applies to Appian 17.3 and later.

Last Reviewed: September 2018