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DRAFT KB-XXXX Email Polling Error "Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password" when using Microsoft Exchange Server


When using Microsoft Exchange Server with Appian Email Polling, Mail-lister.log shows the following error:

[ServerService Thread Pool -- 63] INFO com.appiancorp.process.emailpoller.EmailPoller - MA 1 endpointActivation success MailActivationSpec(storeProtocol=pop3, mailServer=servername, port=110, starttls=false, mailFolder=INBOX, userName=domainusername, password non-null, pollingInterval=30000, messageSelector=null, maxMessages=1, debug=true, partialFetch=true, forceImapLogin=false)
[Appian MailActivation - 1] ERROR com.appiancorp.process.emailpoller.MailActivation - An error occurred while attempting to open the mailbox to poll; no mail will be fetched.
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

The email username specified with 'conf.mailhandler.poller.EmailHandlerBean.userName' in is the intended user.
The associated password with 'conf.password.EmailHandlerBean.EMAIL_HANDLER' in is correct.


Microsoft Exchange Server email usernames are specified with the format 'domain\username'. However, the '\' is a special character in email addresses, and filtered out when interpreted by Appian in

This causes the email userName field with format 'conf.mailhandler.poller.EmailHandlerBean.userName=domain\username' to be interpreted as 'domainusername' by Appian. This can be seen in the above error message.


When specifying the email userName field with format 'domain\username', the '\' character needs to be escaped.

The email userName field should be changed to follow the below format:

Affected Versions

This article applies to Appian 18.2 and later using Microsoft Exchange Server

Last Reviewed: October 2018