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DRAFT KB-XXXX FAQs related to Email configuration on Appian Cloud

Table of Contents:


Can an email alias be configured Appian Cloud?

Can customers use their own email servers to deliver emails from Appian Cloud?

Is email encryption possible on Appian Cloud?

Can the default email sender address be modified on Appian Cloud? For example need to be changed to

Can an email alias be configured Appian Cloud?

Using an email alias is not supported on Appian Cloud. Customers can only send emails using the processmodel uuid, processmodel id, event id and processid as documented here.

Can customers use their own email servers to deliver emails from Appian Cloud?

Yes, this is possible by creating a VPN tunnel from the Appian Cloud site to the customer's email server.

Is email encryption possible on Appian Cloud?


Can the default email sender address be modified on Appian Cloud? For example need to be changed to

Yes. Please reach out to Appian Technical Support to request this change.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: March 2019