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DRAFT KB-XXXX How to find the stack trace of a thread in a leak suspects report


After generating a Java heap dump, it is common for the corresponding leak suspects reports to contain clear suspects without associated stack traces to analyze. In these situations, it is often possible to find the relevant stack traces in the .threads file that is generated with the report. This is a useful step to take before requesting to analyze a raw heap dump.


  1. Navigate to the Thread Overview page of the leak suspects report via the Table of Contents or System Overview pages.
  2. Identify the problematic thread(s) by their retained heap values (circled in green).
  3. Copy the hexadecimal thread IDs from the Object / Stack Frame column of the problematic threads (circled in red).
    Note: This ID is different from what is shown in the System Overview page.
  4. Open the .threads file, found in the same directory where the leak suspects report was generated, and search for the thread IDs to find the respective thread stack traces.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: April 2019