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KB-1946 General guide to providing Appian Support with logs when creating a support case


Appian Support will request various logs depending on the reported issue. This article is a guide to which logs can be provided immediately to start off the troubleshooting process. Please note that this is a general guideline and is not all-encompassing. Appian Support may request additional logs at any point.


Always Provide

  • The application server log
  • appian-topology.xml
  • The file

Engine Issues

  • Presence of recent *.l files
    • Note: These logs may contain sensitive data and Appian does not recommend supplying these files over a support case. Simply provide a screenshot of the *.l files that exist and Appian Support can review the actual file over a WebEx. 
  • db_*.log
  • perf_monitor_db_*.csv
  • Logs generated from KB-1655

Performance Issues

  • system.csv
  • ZIP of the <APPIAN_HOME>/logs/perflogs directory
  • Logs generated from KB-1655

Note: For performance issues, provide these set of logs from the time the issue was observed and also from a time where the issue was not observed so that Appian Support has a baseline for comparison.

Other Considerations

  • The Logging documentation can be reviewed for details about these log files as well as where they can be located.
  • Ensure the logs that are provided include the times when the issue was observed. The timestamps are logged in GMT.
  • If the environment in question is distributed or highly available, ensure that the logs from all relevant servers have been provided and the attachments are labeled by server name. For example, if the environment has three engine servers and the reported issue is engine related, provide the logs from all three engine servers like so:,,
  • This article does not apply to Appian Cloud environments.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian self-managed.

Last Reviewed: May 2019