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KB-XXXX Button confirmation message does not reflect input value when refreshAfter=UNFOCUS


When refreshAfter="UNFOCUS" and a button is pressed without unfocusing the input field, the button confirmMessage does not display properly based on the last inputted value.


confirmMessage evaluations complete before input field re-evaluation when refreshAfter="UNFOCUS", so this behavior is expected


Set refreshAfter="KEYPRESS" to ensure that the input field is evaluated before the confirmation message.

An enhancement request to change this evaluation order has been submitted under product use case #944.


If refreshAfter="KEYPRESS" cannot be used, it may be possible to set a conditional refreshAfter based on the use case. For example, if the confirm message is conditional on a null input value, then the following refreshAfter settings may be appropriate: refreshAfter: if(isnull(local!saveIntoVar), "KEYPRESS", "UNFOCUS").

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: June 2019