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KB-XXXX Process sizing sheet is not populated in the Appian Health Check report


The process sizing report in the Appian Health Check report is not populated and the application server log prints the following error:

ERROR - Problem running collector com.appiancorp.plugins.labs.collectors.ProcessModelSizingCollector 
Caused by: Connection refused

Screenshot of an Appian Health Check report that does not have the process sizing report populated:


This error can occur if the processes execution engines are large in size and the Appian Health Check is unable to fetch the process information within two minutes.


Archive or delete unnecessary processes in the environment to reduce the size of the process execution engines.

If necessary, the sizing script can be used to manually obtain a report of the processes in the environment.

Note: The report generated by the sizing script is not as detailed as the report generated by the Appian Health Check.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian compatible.