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DRAFT KB-XXXX Select all/deselect all prevents further selections being shown in a gridLayout


Symptom 1

Selecting the 'select all' checkbox in an editable grid and then deselecting all items stores an incorrect selection list. Please find an example below:

  1. Create a new interface.
  2. Create an editable grid with selection enabled and some way to be able to see the selected indices (i.e I used a text field to display the value)
  3. Select all (with the top checkbox):
  4. Clear selection with top checkbox:
  5. You will notice: Selected: ;
  6. Select an individual item, e.g. row 2: Selected: ; ; 2
  7. Select another item, e.g. row 1: Selected: ; ; 2; 1

Note: Row 2 is deselected automatically, we still see 2 in the selected list and the top checkbox (all) is selected.


  • This issue has been reported to the Appian Product Team. The reference number for this issue is AN-144124.


Use gridField() instead of gridLayout(). The gridLayout() function does not exhibit the abnormal behavior outlined in the Symptoms section.

Affected Versions

  • This article applies to all versions of Appian

Last Reviewed: November 2019