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KB-XXXX How to upgrade a!twilioField from version 1 to version 2


This article provides instructions on how to upgrade the a!twilioField component plug-in from version 1 to version 2. The upgrade is required when upgrading from Appian 19.2 or earlier to Appian 19.3 and later, but can also be performed on Appian 19.2 in advance of an upgrade to prevent service disruptions.


Deploying the new Plug-Ins

In an on-premise Appian installation, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the latest ICC Components bundle for the relevant Appian version from the Downloads section of Appian Community.
  2. Copy the zip file to the server hosting Appian.
  3. Uninstall the twilioField-v1_*.zip and twilioServlets-v1_*.jar plug-ins from <APPIAN_HOME>/_admin/plugins by moving them to a different directory or adding a .bak extension to the files.
  4. Unzip the ICC file into <APPIAN_HOME>/_admin/plugins

For Appian Cloud installations, contact Appian Technical Support to request the above steps to be performed in the Appian Cloud environment.

Upgrading the Twilio Component

After the new plug-ins have been deployed, the a!twilioField component needs to be updated in the SAIL code. Perform the following steps to update the component:

  1. Create a new Connected System using the Twilio Connected System, including the Account SID, Subaccount SID and other values required. If the original API key secret has been lost, you may need to create a new API key via the Twilio Console.
  2. Create a constant pointing to the new Twilio Connected System object.
  3. Open the interface(s) containing the twilioField and change twilioField_v1 to twilioField. In the standard ICC application, the two interfaces using a!twilioField are named ICC_CP_twilioField and ICC_RT_twilioAioReport. You may also perform an Expression search for any references to twilioField to find references.
  4. Change the value of the twilioConnectedSystem parameter to the constant created in step 2.
  5. If used, rename twilioTransferWorkflowSid to twilioWorkflowSid while keeping the same value.
  6. If desired, remove the redundant parameters twilioTwiMLAppSidtwilioWorkspaceSidtwilioChatConnectedSystem and twilioChatServiceSid.
  7. Save and test the interface(s).

After completing steps 1 through 6, the differences in code should look similar to the following example:

Old Code

twilioConnectedSystem: cons!ICC_CS_TWILIO_SUBACCOUNT,
twilioWorkspaceSid: cons!ICC_VAL_TWIL_WORKSPACE_SID,
twilioChatConnectedSystem: cons!ICC_CS_REST_API,
twilioChatServiceSid: cons!ICC_VAL_TWIL_CHAT_SERVICE_SID,
twilioTransferWorkflowSid: cons!ICC_VAL_TWIL_WORKFLOW_SID
/* other unchanged twilioField inputs here */

Upgraded Code

twilioConnectedSystem: cons!ICC_CS_TWILIO,
twilioWorkflowSid: cons!ICC_VAL_TWIL_WORKFLOW_SID
/* other unchanged twilioField inputs here */


Affected Versions

This article applies to Appian 19.2 and later using the ICC baseline application version 4 and earlier.