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SP-4176 How to report accessibility violations


Appian validates its product features against the requirements of leading accessibility standards:

As Appian is a WCAG 2.0 Level AA compliant platform, we ask that when reporting an accessibility issue for a current feature, you must manually test the behavior of each violation and provide appropriate verification as specified in the Instructions section below. Appian needs a thorough understanding of the exact behavior encountered on your end so that we can compare it to the expected behavior and determine the necessary changes (if any) to meet accessibility standards.

Please keep in mind that for issues involving accessibility tools like screen readers, the issue MUST be encountered when using the screen reader. Many automated tests check for accessibility violations using the HTML code. However, an issue with the HTML does not always cause an issue with the screen reader.

When in doubt about whether a violation is valid, please consider whether it impacts the understanding of the page for the following accessibility user groups:

  • Visually compromised users who rely on screen readers or require resized text
  • Manually compromised users who rely on keyboards to tab through each page


For each violation, please provide the following:

  1. Impacted browser(s) and accessibility tool version(s).
  2. The specific WCAG success criterion that is being violated in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines linked above.
  3. At least one of the following based on applicability:
    1. A video capture (with audio) of the screen reader interacting with the object. Since it is not realistic for Appian to conform to all screen readers on the market, the following must be used:
      1. JAWS for Internet Explorer 11
      2. NVDA for Firefox
    2. The HTML of the page containing the object
    3. The SAIL of the page containing the object
  4. Whether the violation is a requirement or an advisory (recommendation) based on the success criterion details.
  5. (On-premise-only) The version and hotfix for the affected site, since some issues have been resolved in specific hotfixes.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: April 2020