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KB-2150 Process Analytics issues from mismatched hostname


The below error is found in the db_PA* logs located in the <APPIAN_HOME>/logs directory:

2019-11-27 03:33:15 [PA00XX1] {paXXX.kdb ,XXXXXX} (Default) ERROR .a.p.ANLYZE.i "This engine is recognized as host [localhost.localdomain] port [XXXX] for local development on a single machine (do not use in production, as this matches all machines), but this did not match appian-topology.xml's host [<HOSTNAME>] port [XXXX]."

The symptoms may also include:

  1. Users are unable to see any rows in process reports.
  2. a!queryProcessAnalytics() returns an empty result.
  3. The ResetAnalytics script fails to run.


The host name in the appian_topology.xml file does not match the host name in the server hosts file.


Set the hostname in the topology file to match the hostname retrieved by running <APPIAN_HOME>/_admin/_scripts/ (.bat).

Note: The host name is case-sensitive.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: September 2020