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DRAFT SP-5698 Reassigned task inherits reassignment permissions of previous assignee


A task is assigned to a pool of assignees and then accepted by or reassigned to a user with one of the following elevated process permissions:

  • Process Manager
  • Process Editor
  • Process Administrator
  • System Administrator

After the elevated user reassigns the task back to a user in the original pool of assignees without the above permissions, this user retains the reassignment privileges of the previous assignee (one of the above). They can now assign the task to any user on the site (even to a user not in the original pool of assignees).

This behavior is seen regardless of the reassignment privileges set on the task.


The user inherits the reassignment privileges of the previous assignee, who had elevated permissions on the process.

This issue has been reported to the Appian Product Team. The reference number for this issue is AN-96059.


Avoid unnecessary reassignment to users with process permissions higher than Viewer.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: March 2021