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DRAFT SP-6071 Tomcat startup fails with "ClassCastException" exception


When installing Appian with MySQL 8.0 and the 8.0.23 driver version, the application server fails to start with the following message observed in the application server log: 

Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.time.LocalDateTime cannot be cast to java.lang.String
	at liquibase.changelog.StandardChangeLogHistoryService.getRanChangeSets(
	at liquibase.changelog.AbstractChangeLogHistoryService.upgradeChecksums(


This is related to a bug introduced in MySql driver version 8.0.23. Appian does not support MySql driver version 8.*.


Update the database driver to the supported version and restart the application server.

Affected Versions

This article applies to Appian 19.1 and later.

Last Reviewed: April 2021