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DRAFT KB-XXXX Health Check fails while analyzing data with "There is an error: true"


Health Check fails on the Analyze Data step with the following error:

Error encountered while analyzing data
For additional details, see the health check log

The following error ia obserbed in the health-check.log file:

Error parsing request analysis http responseRun encountered an error during data analysis (APNX-1-4520-207) There is an error: true
com.appiancorp.healthcheck.pipeline.RequestAnalysisStep failed. Stopping the thread now.


There was an error while processing the Health Check file on Forum. The most common cause is that the generated Health Check file is larger than 1GB, which is the upload limit on Forum. This limit cannot be increased.


Follow the action steps in KB-2203.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: February 2022