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KB-1040 "The type <datatype> is referenced, but not defined in the XSD... Type reference <datatype> is unresolved" error thrown when importing a CDT from an XSD

not defined in the XSD


When importing a CDT from an XSD, users come across the following error:

Cause: The type {your:namespace}DATATYPE is referenced, but not defined in the XSD...

XSD Parsing Message: XSD: Type reference '{your:namespace}DATATYPE' is unresolved (APNX-2-4047-000)


This error occurs because the XSD is missing import or include statements that allow the parent CDT to have the child CDT as a field. Note that import is used for CDTs that are outside the namespace of the parent while include is used for CDTs that are inside the namespace of the parent.


Check the following items to ensure namespace integrity:

  1. Any import and include statements that are pointing to the correct CDTs to be referenced.
  2. xmlns prefixes must be set to point to the right namespaces.
  3. Prefixes defined in the xmlns elements must correspond to the type=element when defining a child CDT field in the parent.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: February 2017