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KB-1167 "Caught exception during boot: JBAS014676: Failed to parse configuration" error thrown in the JBoss server.log


The following error is seen in the server.log:

ERROR [] <Controller Boot Thread> JBAS015956: Caught exception during boot: JBAS014676: Failed to parse configuration
FATAL [] <Controller Boot Thread> JBAS015957: Server boot has failed in an unrecoverable manner; exiting. See previous messages for details.


There are two possible causes for this issue:

  • The standalone.xml contains tags that are not recognized.
  • The old version of standalone.xml is using syntax that is no longer supported in the new version of JBoss.


Review the Configuring JBoss guide to configure the new standalone.xml with settings specific to your environment

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian using JBoss EAP as an application server.

Last Reviewed: February 2017