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KB-1179 "You do not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested action" error thrown when saving a process report in Appian 16.1


After upgrading to Appian 16.1, saving a process report displays the following error in /designer:

You do not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested action.

Simultaneously, there is the following entry in authz-audit.csv (located in <APPIAN_HOME>/logs):

testo10,uri,/framework/navigation/reports.jsp (original: /framework/backgroundAction.none),DENIED,,userRoles=[designer]


This issue has been addressed via AN-69266 in the following hotfixes/versions:

  • Appian 16.1 Hotfix Package C
  • Appian 16.2


Apply the latest hotfix to your Appian installation or upgrade to the latest version of Appian.

Affected Versions

This article applies to Appian 16.1.

Last Reviewed: March 2017