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KB-1227 "The report you requested is invalid or no longer available" error thrown in /designer with "com.appiancorp.kougar.driver.exceptions.Signal: E106" thrown in the application server log


Users see the following error after logging into /designer:

The report you requested is invalid or no longer available.

The corresponding error in the application server log is as follows:

[http-/] ERROR com.appiancorp.process.analytics2.display.ReportCache - E106
com.appiancorp.kougar.driver.exceptions.Signal: E106


E106 is an internal code that denotes an invalid document. In this case, the OOB All Processes report that is displayed on navigating to /suite/designer had been deleted.



To correct this issue, perform the following:
  1. Run the load.(bat|sh) script located under APPIAN_HOME>/_admin/_scripts. This script reloads the OOB content such as system reports.
  2. Restart the application server.

Note: Running the load script removes any customizations to those reports.

If the site is on Appian Cloud, reach out to Appian Technical Support to perform these steps for you.

Deleting OOB content is not recommended and as such the best practice is to restrict access to these content so that they would be immune to deletions.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: October 2017