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KBXXXX: Rescheduling Cloud Installation Upgrades

The [support site]( allows authorized technical support contacts to manage the upgrade schedule for their Appian Cloud installations.


When selecting an installation, if an upgrade has been scheduled for that site, users will see the upgrades tab on that page. For sites for which an upgrade to Appian’s latest release hasn’t been scheduled, the upgrades tab is not displayed.

In the upgrades tab, users are be able to reschedule the time of the upgrade.

Times are displayed in the timezone specified in the user’s profile in Appian Forum. If the date and time displayed are acceptable, there’s no further action required. Users who would like to reschedule the time of the upgrade may do so by clicking the ‘Reschedule’ button.


Users are able to schedule upgrade windows from a selection of available maintenance windows.


A confirmation message will be displayed for you to accept the new time. Once  the information is confirmed, maintenance window email notifications are sent. Users are able to reschedule the window up to 30 minutes before the start of the scheduled window.