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DRAFT KB-XXXX How to update the Service Provider signing certificate in the Administration Console


The following steps will need to be performed in the Appian Administration Console when updating the Service Provider signing certificate.


The following steps should be attempted on a non-production environment first, before making the changes on production.

  1. Obtain a new signing certificate in a .pem format that contains both the certificate and a private key. See KB-1108 for steps on how to generate a self-signed certificate in the required format.
  2. Log into Appian as the System Administrator and navigate to Administration Console > Authentication > SAML.
  3. Delete the existing Service Provider Signing Certificate and upload the new one from Step 1.
  4. Enter the certificate password if necessary.
  5. Download the new Service Provider metadata file from the Administration Console. Use the downloaded metadata to update the connection settings in the IDP.
  6. Test the settings by clicking Test, and a new window/tab will be redirected to the IDP login page. Enter the credentials for the same user in Appian. 
  7. When the authentication is successful, close the test window and click on Test Completed.
  8. Click Save Changes to complete the update

Affected Versions

This article applies Appian 7.11 and later.

Last Reviewed: January 2018