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KB-1505 ERROR com.appiancorp.uritemplates.UriTemplateScannerImpl - Could not create RecordLink for uri [] -- fallback is SafeLink.

This issue has been resolved in an Appian hotfix/new Appian version. Please apply the latest hotfix to your Appian installation or upgrade to the latest version of Appian.


The following error message shows up in the application server log:

INFO [stdout] (Appian Work Item - 19989 - NotificationsEmail : MailRequest) 2017-08-08 21:42:53,734 [Appian Work Item - 19989 - NotificationsEmail : MailRequest] ERROR com.appiancorp.uritemplates.UriTemplateScannerImpl - Could not create RecordLink for uri [] -- fallback is SafeLink. Exception: Expected authority at index 7: http://

This error message does not cause any errors in the user interface and it has no functional impact. 


This issue has been addressed via AN-90472 in Appian 18.1.


Upgrade to the latest version of Appian.

Affected Versions

This article applies to Appian 17.3 and 17.4.

Last Reviewed: February 2018