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DRAFT KB-XXXX 'Font Download' = Disabled setting in Internet Explorer causing Icons to not display


There are missing icons when browsing Tempo or Sites.  These icons are missing while using Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) with a security setting that has "Font Download" set to "Disabled".

Some examples of possible missing icons are outlined in red:



The icons will not render properly when using IE11 with either a security setting that has "Font Download" set to "Disabled" or a general IE11 security setting of "High."


To resolve the behavior, consider one of the following:

  • Modify the "Font Download" setting in IE to "Enable".  This can be accomplished by directing to IE Settings > Choose "Internet Options" > Choose the "Security" tab > Choose the "Custom Level..." option in the "Security level for this zone" panel > Choose Enable for the "Font Download" setting in the Downloads section.
  • Modify the general IE11 security setting to"Medium-High" or "Medium."  This can be accomplished by directing to IE Settings > Choose "Internet Options" > Choose the "Security" tab > Choose the "Custom Level..." option in the "Security level for this zone" panel > Choose the appropriate option from the "Reset to" drop-down in the "Reset custom settings" panel.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: February 2018