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DRAFT KB-XXXX 'Font Download' = Disabled setting in Internet Explorer causing Icons to not display


There are missing icons when browsing Tempo or Sites.  These icons are missing while using Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) with certain IE11 security settings enabled.

Some examples of possible missing icons are outlined below in red:



The icons will not render properly when using IE11 with either a security setting that has "Font Download" set to "Disabled" or a general IE11 security setting of "High."


To resolve the behavior, consider one of the following:

  • Modify the "Font Download" setting in IE to "Enable".  This can be accomplished by directing to IE Settings > Choose "Internet Options" > Choose the "Security" tab > Choose the "Custom Level..." option in the "Security level for this zone" panel > Choose Enable for the "Font Download" setting in the Downloads section.
  • Modify the general IE11 security setting to"Medium-High" or "Medium."  This can be accomplished by directing to IE Settings > Choose "Internet Options" > Choose the "Security" tab > Choose the "Custom Level..." option in the "Security level for this zone" panel > Choose the appropriate option from the "Reset to" drop-down in the "Reset custom settings" panel.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: February 2018