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DRAFT KB-XXXX How To Troubleshoot Single User Unable to Log In with "PrivilegeException"


This article is intended to provide troubleshooting steps in the case that a single user is unable to log into Appian with a PrivilegeException as shown below in the application server log:

ERROR com.appiancorp.abdera.AtomEntryCollectionAdapter - An internal error occured while accessing the tempo feed com.appiancorp.kougar.mapper.exceptions.UndeclaredException: PrivilegeException[null=>null]: User Does Not Have Rights to Perform this Operation


  1. Follow the steps in this KB article to see if they address the issue:
  2. If you have followed the steps in the previously mentioned KB article and have found the "Inherit security from parent" box was already checked, un-check it, re-check it, and save again.
  3. If these steps do not address the issue, complete the following steps (if the environment is on-premise) and contact Appian Support:
    1. Search the application server(s) for the username of the user experiencing the issue to find a login attempt in the login-audit.csv. Record the time stamp when the login attempt is recorded on the case.
    2. Attach the application server log from the server that the login-audit was found on and the day recorded in the timestamp.
    3. Attach the authz-audit.log from the server that the login-audit was found on and the day recorded in the timestamp.
    4. Have the user log in again.
    5. When the user logs in, take a network capture and attach it to the case.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: October 2018