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KB-1055 How to enable JBoss access logs

This article outlines how to enable the access logs in JBoss EAP. Appian Technical Support may request these logs to troubleshoot issues.

  1. On the application server machine, navigate to <JBOSS_HOME>/standalone/configuration.
  2. Make a copy of standalone.xml. Save it as standalone.xml.bak, for example.
  3. Edit the original standalone.xml.
  4. Find the <virtual-server> element under the urn:jboss:domain:web:X.Xsubsystem.
  5. Change the value of enable-welcome-root from true to false.
  6. Remove the <alias name=""/> line.
  7. Add the following element after the <system-properties> element, replacing <APPIAN_HOME> with the path to your Appian directory:

    <path name="appian-base-dir" path="<APPIAN_HOME>" />

    Note: <APPIAN_HOME> is specified here, however any directory can be used in most scenarios. Keep in mind that if you are running a Health Check, you must use <APPIAN_HOME>. The logs will be placed in the directory specified in the above element.

  8. Add the following element inside of the <virtual-server> element:

    <access-log extended="true" resolve-hosts="false" prefix="jboss1-access.log." pattern="date time cs-uri x-P($bgUrl) sc-status time-taken">
    <directory path="logs" relative-to="appian-base-dir" />
  9. Restart JBoss.

To disable the access logs, replace the above changes in standalone.xml with what's present in standalone.xml.bak and restart JBoss.

For more information, refer to Redhat's documentation on How to enable access logging for JBoss EAP 6.